Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions

The new year is in full swing, and our team at Richard Allen Inc is dedicated to taking our resolutions seriously and to make them last throughout the year!  Keeping up with your goals all year long can be tiresome and wear you down, but we know you will succeed for twelve months in 2021. Whether your resolutions include your health, your business, or your mental well-being, we have some tips to help you make them stick. 

Set Reminders as Checkpoints

We recommend setting reminders on your phone or calendar quarterly to check-in on your resolutions.  Even if you have fallen off track, it is an opportunity to reassess your progress and do what you can to uphold your intentions for the year.  Remember, you can always come back to them at any point! With your resolutions, use these checkpoints to set deadlines that could up the ante!

Have an Accountability Partner

Your accountability partner does not have to have the same goals or intentions for 2021 as you, but they should be someone you can go to for encouragement and hold you accountable. An accountability partner is key to maintaining your resolutions in the new year! Set up a weekly call or pin them to the top of your phone messages to reach out to whenever you need a pick-me-up. Let us know who yours is in the comment section of this blog! 

Stay Flexible

Don’t be so hard on yourself if you miss a day or deadline – stay flexible on your approach to your resolutions. There are many routes to succeed on the path to success, so make sure to consider your next step and how you can re-route. Some people might get discouraged if they are on a strict workout plan that is hard to keep up with or budgeting that is more stressful than stress-relieving, so keep some wiggle room and give yourself grace with your resolutions.  

Be Intentional on How You Set Your Resolutions

Instead of saying you want to lose more weight, save $5,000, or read more books, consider the approach of making healthier food and exercise choices, reconsidering extravagant spending, and maintaining your growth mindset from other business people.  How you set your resolutions will help you stick to those resolutions. At Richard Allen Inc, we know that it’s not about making grand gestures and big waves but creating a lifestyle and habits that will stick past the year.

Treat Yourself!

As you work hard on sticking to your resolutions, treat yourself, and celebrate your progress!  You don’t have to be 100% done with a goal or intention to celebrate either.  If you’ve stayed focused on your goals with the end in sight, you deserve a pat on the back! Our one rule – make sure your celebration doesn’t interrupt your work ethic.

No matter what your resolutions are for 2021, we know you will be able to stick with them throughout the entire year. Stay on track with these tips, and let us know about your progress! Best wishes to a prosperous, fun, and healthy new year! 

4 Podcasts for the Motivated Entrepreneur

If there are two things that all us entrepreneurs can agree on, it’s that time is valuable and knowledge is limitless. What if there was a way to put both of these concepts together? You’ve guessed it- entrepreneurship podcasts! Buckle up because we are recommending four strong business podcasts to help you make the most of your daily commute, and to add extra value to the times you want to multi-task. Let’s get to it!

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” -Michael Altshuler

Build Your Tribe by Chalene and Brock Johnson

This mother and son duo have taken social media entrepreneurship by the reigns and have created a massive following not only by being entertaining but also by providing value and knowledge when it comes to business. Whether you’re a successful entrepreneur already with a desire to grow, or you’re looking for a career change and need advice on how to start from the bottom up, this podcast is sure to help boost your income, lengthen your e-mail list, and develop marketing strategies. The best part is it is all within a limited budget.

The GaryVee Audio Experience by Gary Vaynerchuk

As an aspiring or seasoned entrepreneur, we are sure you have heard of the one and only Gary Vaynerchuk. Known for his massive growth and success since his beginning in the wine-selling market, Vaynerchuk has shifted the business world with a unique perspective: there is no correct way to sell yourself or your products- you just have to be authentically yourself and think outside of the box. Listen to “The GaryVee Audio Experience” as he sheds light on his path to success, his triumphs and failures, and as he interviews entrepreneurs from all niches.

The Mike Dillard Podcast by Mike Dillard

Recently rebranded from the famous podcast known as “Self-Made Man,” Mike Dillard speaks about his journey to successful entrepreneurship. Dillard is proud to provide insight to an audience ranging much further than just men; anyone and everyone who wants to better themselves personally and professionally. Press play on this podcast to learn about goal-setting, mindset, and all things business!

The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes

Homes has been known as one of the original content creators to have brought business podcasts to life. Whether the episodes feature him speaking from personal experience and giving advice, or whether he has the opportunity to interview those well-known in the entrepreneurship world, there is knowledge to be gained. You won’t want to miss out!

It’s no secret that time can escape us, and it can sometimes feel like there are never enough hours in the day. The key to success is to treat your time as a valuable asset and make the most of it when you can. After all, you are the pilot in your life. Next time you find yourself driving to work or taking a stroll down the grocery store aisles, we encourage you to turn on one of these insightful podcasts to fuel your motivation. 

For more business advice, inspiration, and information about our Richard Allen Inc team and services, feel free to give us a like on Facebook!